Apply for startup funding
If you are looking to raise seed or pre-seed capital for your startup company, you've come to the right place. VentureCoin™ is looking for teams with big ideas who need a little boost to get started. Not only will you gain access to funding, but you'll gain access to our network of thousands of VentureCoin™ holders who may also become customers of your business.

VentureCoin™ Fund application
Be sure to fill out the application in its entirety. The information you input here will be used to create your publicly displayed company profile, where VentureCoin™ holders will to help decide upon the funding of projects.
What to expect:
Submit your application
VentureCoin™ Fund Leadership will review applications for relevancy and decide which applications will be presented as potential projects on the VentureCoin™ website.
Once selected, your profile will go live on the VentureCoin™ website where VentureCoin™ holders will vote on which projects should receive funding in Q2 of 2022.